A specialised supported swim session for people living with Parkinsons’ disease. This session is led and coached by two Parkinsons trained swim coaches, and is targeted at people at any stage of Parkinsons’ who will benefit from the therapeutic nature of Aquatic exercise. Exercising in water reduces the risk of falling, and increases strength to minimise loss of mobility leading to increased confidence and independence.
The session is exclusively for those with Parkinsons, and swimmers will have exclusive use of the pool and access to coaches to ensure maximum comfort and support.
The session is kindly supported and part-funded by Parkinsons UK and the Trent Bridge Parkinsons Café
Sessions will take place at Victoria Leisure Centre, Sneinton from 9:45am to 10:45 am for 8 weeks starting on 23rd September 2019
Kirsten Hammett –
Well it was the first session today and to say that I was anxious is an understatement…however Cat and Justine were so friendly and supportive that there was no need for worries. They had loads of patience with each member of the squad and I will definitely be returning, without the anxiety!
Cat Wynne –
It was great to have you there, Kirsten, and well done on your perseverance and achievement in the first session! We’re looking forward to seeing what you can do in the next 8 weeks!
Cat & Just
Steve (verified owner) –
My own confidence in swimming was pretty low and not helped by some ongoing issues I have been having with my leg movement – my own version of “Parkinson’s Freestyle” – which can be quite frightening as my arms flap around and the only thing my brain can get my legs to do at that particular moment is to drag me under!
After a couple of false starts with floats and foam “woggles” the coaches kept on thinking and I’m now using a borrowed inflatable tow-along-float that is normlly used by serious swimmers in the River Trent! What it provides me with a little security, kmowing that as my legs get tired [normally within 10-15m] I can stop and hang on to it for a while and allow myself to recover.
There are varying degrees of Parkinson’s symptoms amongst the squad, which in my view is really helpful. The key thing for us all is that in the water the body gets a different workout from being supported to some extent and through the resistance effects.
During the fourth session of this 8-week block the jubilation and encouragement for each other was apparent. At one point I turned round upon hearing “whoop-whoop” to see one of the others punching the air in celebration of completing her first 25m length of the pool unaided. We love the fact our “Parkinson’s Swim Squad” has exclusive use of the pool.
Mike Temple –
Justine and Cat. Thank you for encouraging me to swim. The confidence you instilled in me has given me the mental and physical strength to go ahead with my ambitions to enter my first Triathlon. I will carefully follow all instructions given by yourselves (or other instructors) on the Tri course starting on 4th Feb. Even if I have to swim on my back I will succeed. Over the past years Parkinson’s has attempted to put down my “sporting activities ” but with your help I go forward with the knowledge that we can take on Parkinsons and win.
Cat Wynne –
Mike, your determination is inspirational, and we’re proud to support you in your goals. See you at training! Cat & Just